Services kodulehed e-pood kodulehe loomine

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Websites that speak to the customer at a glance adapt to the right device. I work with the most popular content management - WordPress.

e-pood, e-poe tegemine, e-poe loomine


Creating an e-store is a good way to improve business opportunities. I create an e-shop where it is possible to sell both virtual and physical products. kodulehe hooldus

Website maintenance

I create and manage websites in WordPress content management software. A well-functioning website is not only a business card for the company, but also a considerable sales channel. facebooki reklaam, Instagrami haldamine, sotsiaalmeedia haldamine

Social media management

On social media, you are visible to both new and existing customers and are in constant contact. I help with both design and content. disain firma tunnusgraafika

Design, company graphics

Considering the specifics of the company and well-thought-out identification graphics give your businesses a unified look. This is in the eyes of both existing and future customers. uudisikiri

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