Facebook advertising
I create Facebook and Instagram ads for your business that are prominent and targeted. Facebook advertising reaches people who want and need to see it! I help create Facebook ads based on audience demographics such as age and location. In addition, the target group can be chosen according to their behavior, interests, job, etc. Ads adapt to different device sizes. I help your business by creating an ad with text, image and video material. During and at the end of the campaign, you can create reports and view the results of the ads. By analyzing, future advertising campaigns can be made even more profitable. Facebook ads are changing social media management service and they support each other very successfully

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How it works
1. Set a goal for your ad!
Facebook provides very good opportunities to make your company more visible through advertisements – be it raising brand awareness, directing a customer to your website, introducing a product or service, etc.
2. Select the target group
When advertising on Facebook, you can determine very precisely who the person you want to show the ad to is. This way you spend less money and only those who really want to see your company will receive information about it. The target group can be determined using demographic data as well as interests, occupation and other pages marked as pleasant
3. Target ads to an existing customer
Facebook gives you the opportunity to target an ad to a customer who has already made a purchase or visited a website. You can match your business information (such as email or phone) to Facebook. This is a good way to remind your customer and direct him back to make a purchase.
4. Advertise regularly
To increase the visibility of your business, it is definitely worth advertising regularly. Show special offers regularly, show blog posts or promote your business! The possibilities are limitless, precisely targeted and very good in terms of price and quality.
Advertising on Facebook…
✓ gives an opportunity to show oneself to both an existing and a potential customer
✓ helps to target the ad to a precisely defined target group
✓ is a favorable but at the same time very successful advertising channel
✓ provides an opportunity to create campaigns with different content
✓ can be used as a favorable information channel